File Extension Stage

Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program. Sony SonicStage default file extension associations.aa3.at3.atrac.hma.oma.omg. Common file extensions used by Sony SonicStage.mp3.

  1. Javafx Filechooser Extension Filter
  2. File Extension Part

I'm learning to control my source codes with git and I'm still really noob at this part. Anyway, the question speaks for itself, I have a folder with a lot of stuff and I would like just to commit '.c' extension files. Is there a command to do this trick or do I need to add each file name manually? I've made a research even here at stackoverflow and I found nothing on this, maybe I'm looking for the wrong concept, so any help will be appreciated..

thanks in advance

Victor R. OliveiraVictor R. Oliveira

2 Answers

If you want to add all files with a specific file extension, all you have to do is specify it at the time you go to stage the files using a wildcard.

git add *.c

File extension stage 3

Here .c can be any extension you want.


Javafx Filechooser Extension Filter

For me, just git add *.c didn't work. I encountered fatal error like this:

So, in this variant git tried to add ignored files.

But such variant:

worked flawlessly.By the way, you can do git diff the same way:

Sergey ZaharchenkoSergey Zaharchenko

File Extension Part

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